Every Debt Relief Option Has its Ups and Downs
Debt Relief and Credit Repair Services Are Not Free
That’s right, debt relief services will cost money but having a professional on your side will definitely payoff!
Debt Relief and Credit Repair Take Time
There is no magic wand you can wave to make debt go away or negative items disappear from your credit report. Even if the item being disputed on your report is wrong, it will take time and know-how to get it removed. Fraud, identity theft, creditors, collection companies; whatever it is that you need removed will have to go through the verification process. You will send out letters and wait for the creditors and/or credit bureaus to send you a response. At this point, the work and the waiting truly begins. The back and forth is tedious and sometimes frustrating. Nobody wants to sit around and watch paint dry or water boil. Be patient, it will take time.
Debt Relief Is NOT For Everyone
No, debt relief is not for everyone. Sometimes it is easier to just pay off the debt that is keeping your credit score down. Even if you feel that the debt is unjustified, you need to look at the situation and realize that sometimes it may cost you more to try and challenge it than it will to just pay it off. Maybe you don’t have heavy debt or collection accounts and only need assistance with a few red marks from late payments? Then simple credit repair may be the best fit for you.
Debt Relief Has a Downside
There are many different debt relief options, each one with its own downside. For starters, it will not happen overnight. Debt relief takes around 24 months to start showing results. Our professional Debt Advisors will walk you through all the ups and downs of your options and help you decide on the best solution for your situation.
Have a Legal Plan for Creditor Lawsuits
Debt is a real problem in America and when you fall behind on your payments, it can be extremely difficult to catch up. As many people seek the help of debt relief companies to solve their problems, some will get sued by a creditor before long. Whether you are working with a debt relief company or are trying to navigate this problem on your own, it is always a good idea to have a legal plan. Creditors will sue you to try and collect on bad debts. Being served a court summons is certainly a frightening thought but there are steps you can take to ensure you are prepared and protected. We recommend setting up a legal service before this happens. A good legal service will handle this for you.